Political RoboCall Overload

Tis the season for the political robocall to blow up your phone. Warning: political rant follows: Dear Mayor, I mean “Representative” Higgins. Given that I highly doubt you can spell “Constitution” much less understand what it is or why you...

Fixing The “Gun Problem” Part 2

I’m in favor of -sensible- laws. Not “feel good” flawed laws rushed through in a panic for political purposes that don’t do anything but diminish rights. Here’s my idea: Fast Universal Background checks for all sales. A nominal fee of no...

Fixing The “Gun Problem” Part 1

The numbers clearly indicate that while our population, and gun ownership is increasing, crime and gun related deaths are in the decline. Guns have safety devices to make them safer than they were 100 years ago. They are less likely to misfire, fire accidentally, or...
Gun Control, Masturbation for the Politician.

Gun Control, Masturbation for the Politician.

In the news today was yet another announcement that someone, this time a kid, took a gun (that he couldn’t legally have), and went out and shot 5 people (another illegal act), killing them (again illegal). He broke countless laws. Yet people are still screaming...

100k+ People a Year Dead Because of Guns?

{Editor’s note: this is a good follow-up Ken Stuczynski’s article questioning the use of statistics in the gun control issue.  Another article by Bob Hubbard on this subject can be found here.} 100,728 People a Year in the US, Dead because of guns? Ban...