This TED Talk is about changing the paradigm of health care (real health care, not the monetary construct around it) on the most basic level — empowering individuals and using technologies not dependent on environment and the traditional limitations of access. Here’s an except:

Humans invented the idea of hospitals and clinics in the 1780s. It is time to update our thinking. We have got to untether clinicians and patients from the notion of traveling to a special bricks-and-mortar place for all of our care, because these places are often the wrong tool, and the most expensive tool, for the job. And these are sometimes unsafe places to send our sickest patients, especially in an era of superbugs and hospital-acquired infections. And many countries are going to go brickless from the start because they’re never going to be able to afford the mega-medicalplexes that a lot of the rest of the world has built.


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