by Ken JP Stuczynski | Aug 4, 2021 | Science & Pseudoscience, Society & Culture
With my particular formal educational background and skills, I am able to “do my own research” on most subjects competently, at least on a basic level, even if I was not previously well-studied in those subjects. And I sometimes have to update and revise...
by Ken JP Stuczynski | May 25, 2020 | Philosophy & Ethics, Politics & Law, Science & Pseudoscience, Society & Culture
I grew to believe over my lifetime, that as Americans, our liberties have been chipped away at for generations and I often felt I was the rare crackpot that noticed or cared. There are countless laws and permits for every occasion, and I’ve written and spoken...
by Ken JP Stuczynski | May 7, 2020 | Psychology, Science & Pseudoscience, Society & Culture
There are many authentic conspiracies, and many we don’t even know about. The problem is that thanks to the Internet there are a THOUSAND TIMES more fake ones, and their prevalence is based on psychological stickiness, not fact. The real ones probably...
by Ken JP Stuczynski | Feb 12, 2015 | Philosophy & Ethics, Religion & Spirituality, Science & Pseudoscience
I’m not sure how to decorate or dress for Darwin Day, but I assume it would be something pragmatic and sensible. But as some people make it their religion — the way they relate to life — some take it too far. One blogger I’ve encountered (among...
by Ken JP Stuczynski | Nov 11, 2014 | Science & Pseudoscience, Technology & Futurism
This short TED Talk has a lot of little gems in a big issue. The telling change of a book title. The democratization of biochemistry. The false fears of the Hadron Collider weighed against considerations of more credible plausibilities. The speaker posits that,...
by Ken JP Stuczynski | Oct 28, 2014 | Politics & Law, Science & Pseudoscience, Society & Culture
A TED Talk by climate economist Nicholas Stern posits our environmental future as a technological and regulatory problem, and being merely a matter of good choices over bad. It inspired me to think and address the problem in a larger meta-context of global politics...