Imagining the real when the real is imaginary

Preamble These notes represent a preliminary outline of what we hope in due course will be developed into a fuller piece of writing designed, as ever, to support the human project and the transformation of everyday life. Small ambitions, then. As is so often the way,...

Unasked Questions Regarding Israel

I question everything, especially when I see widespread assumptions becoming the basis for political policy.  Now that the vote for [[Palestine statehood]] is the big question everyone is talking about, here are the questions people are NOT talking about. Why does...

Neglecting Math Can Add Up To Trouble

{2005} When it comes to math, Colorado schools get a D. That’s D as in barely passing. D as in Dereliction of Duty for Dogmatically Disseminating Dumbed-Down Doggie Doo in Districts from Denver to Durango. As a computer science professor, I’ve been doing math all my...