Rudeness Too Common at Movies, Concerts

{Published in the Colorado Springs Gazette, 5-17-07} Two men were kicked out of a Boston Pops concert last week. Apparently, they started fighting because one of them wouldn’t stop talking during the performance. If that’s true, getting kicked out was too good for the...

When High Gas Prices Return, Suck It Up

{Published in the Colorado Springs Gazette, 2009-11-25} Guess what’s not in the news? Gas prices. Gas does not cost $4 a gallon, and hasn’t for a while. Anybody remember when this was a big deal? In 2006, before Republicans lost control of Congress, we were treated to...

Heart of Leningrad Still Beating

{Colorado Springs Gazette, 6-25-09} They don’t get many tourists at the Blockade Museum, and of those that come, none are Americans. Even if you know the right subway stop, it’s still a good fifteen minute walk. And don’t expect any language inside but Russian. An...